Kurumlarda İs Etigi İlkelerinin Calisanlarin Gozunde Kurumun İtibarina Etkisi

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Bu calismanin amaci is etigi ilkelerinin calisanlarin kurumsal itibar algisi uzerindeki etkisinin boyutunun belirlenmesi ve bu konuda kurumlara oneriler sunulmasidir. calismanin evrenini Yapi Merkezi Ýnsaat ve Sanayi A.s. ve SK Engineering & Construction Co. Ltd. sirketi olusturmaktadir. Ýs etigi ve kurumsal itibar iliskisini olcmek amaciyla bu kurumun calisanlari ile anket calismasi yapilmis ve verilen cevaplar degerlendirilerek bir olcum yapilmistir. calisma sonucunda is etigi ve guvenilirlik algisi arasinda pozitif yonlu bir iliski tespit edilmistir. calisanlarin kuruma olan guvenilirlikleri yukseldikce is etigi ilkelerinin isleyisine olan guvenleri de yukselmektedir. Demografik olarak ise gelir duzeyi yuksek olan calisanlar kurum hakkinda daha cok bilgiye sahiptirler. Dolayisiyla gelir durumu ve kurum hakkinda bilgi sahibi olma arasinda pozitif bir iliski mevcuttur.
The purpose of this study is determination of effect of business ethics' level on the perception of corporate reputation and bringing forward a proposal to corporations. Descriptive survey model is used in this study. Survey form is used as data collection in the research. Target population of the study are Yapı Merkezi İnşaat ve Sanayi A.Ş. ve SK Engineering & Construction Co. Ltd. Corporations. Survey research is done with employees of this institutions on the purpose of business ethics and corporate reputation and replies are evaluated. Meaningful and positively relationship between business ethics and perception of reliability is determined. If perception of reliability is getting increase, perception of business ethics will increase, too. In the demographic perspective, employees that have high income level, they have informed to institutions. So, there is a positive relationship between income level and to be informed.



İş etigi, Güvenilirlik, Kurumsal itibar, Business ethics, Reliability, Corporate reputation

Turkish CoHE Thesis Center URL

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