Ingmar Bergman'ın Persona Filminden Hareketle 'susan Anlatıcı' Modeli Önerisi ve Bu Model Kullanılarak Yazılacak Yeni Çalışmalar için Olanakların Araştırılması
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Bu tez ingmar Bergman'in Persona filmi uzerinden bir “susan anlatici” modelinin onerilmesi ve bu modelin yeni calismalara kaynaklik edecek potansiyelinin kesfedilmesi amaciyla yazilmistir. Persona'daki iki karakter arasindaki diyalektige ve karakterlerin seyirciyle kurdugu iliskiye odaklanilmis hikâyenin karakterlerden birinin susmasiyla aktariliyor olmasi fikrinden hareket edilmistir. Onun susmasi konusan karakterin konusmasinin niteligini degistirmekte ve onu ifsaya suruklemektedir. Kimliklerinin ic ice gecmesi anlatani ve aktarani iyice belirsizlestirmekte konusan karakterin sozunun susan karakterin sozu haline gelmesiyle susan karakter de susan anlaticiya donusmektedir. Susan anlatici modelinin kuramsal altyapisi olusturulduktan sonra bu modelin yeni calismalarda nasil kullanilabilecegi bugun susmanin felsefi gerekceleriyle birlikte arastirilmistir. Boylelikle karakterin susarak anlati icindeki mevcudiyetini surdurmesi ve seyirciyle iletisimine devam edebilmesi icin oneriler getirilmesi amaclanmistir.
This thesis is written in order to propose a "silent narrator" model with reference to Ingmar Bergman's Persona and to discover the potential of this model to be used in new material to be written in the future. With a focus on the dialectic between the two characters of Persona and their relationship with the spectator, the thought that the transfer of the narrative is made possible by the silence of one of the characters is brought forward. Her silence changes the extent of the lingual content of the talking character, leading to exposure. While the intertwinement of their identities obscures the positions of the narrator and the transferor, the fact that the remarks of the talking character become the remarks of the silent character converts the silent character into the silent narrator. After the theoretical basis of the silent narrator model was established, the ways to use this model for new material was investigated with the philosophical reasoning behind being silent today. This way, suggestions regarding the methods for the existence of a silent character within a narrative and the ways for him to continue his relationship with the audience were made.
This thesis is written in order to propose a "silent narrator" model with reference to Ingmar Bergman's Persona and to discover the potential of this model to be used in new material to be written in the future. With a focus on the dialectic between the two characters of Persona and their relationship with the spectator, the thought that the transfer of the narrative is made possible by the silence of one of the characters is brought forward. Her silence changes the extent of the lingual content of the talking character, leading to exposure. While the intertwinement of their identities obscures the positions of the narrator and the transferor, the fact that the remarks of the talking character become the remarks of the silent character converts the silent character into the silent narrator. After the theoretical basis of the silent narrator model was established, the ways to use this model for new material was investigated with the philosophical reasoning behind being silent today. This way, suggestions regarding the methods for the existence of a silent character within a narrative and the ways for him to continue his relationship with the audience were made.
Persona, Ingmar Bergman, Dil, Susan anlatıcı, İfşa, Language, Silent narrator, Exposure